Wednesday, April 30, 2008

Is this the end of Barack Obama?

Yesterday's press conference where Senator Obama "denounced" Rev. Wright was a little strange for me. First, yes I said he should do this a very long time ago and yes I applaud him for getting this out of the way. My issue now is, why now? Well I know I can't have it both ways people say "well you republicans said he should do this and now that he does you are criticizing, he can't win either way he goes", on that note you may have a point. I know that my personal feeling is simply why now? Rev. Wright did not say anything different than what has been shown by the media in 24 hour loops and supposedly we just took the offensive comments "out of context" so why now is Barack Obama all of the sudden offended by Rev. Wright when he didn't say anything but what we have heard for the last month. If Obama is now offended by these comments did he take them out of context? I guess I just need a supporter to explain to me one simple question and that is, "Why Now?"

My second point is the phrase "Out of context", I am so sick of this being the excuse for those who make dumb comments while running for office. Why can't all 3 of these guys say, "I make these speeches all day and I apologize I just said something dumb"? Look America elected George W. Bush twice, we don't care is someone says something dumb, admits it and moves on. Issue over no big deal............

Brack Obama- Dumb comment "Small Town America clings to their guns and religion b/c they are bitter due to their economic situations" DUMB and he mis-spoke and should have acknowledged this, instead he skirted the issue and probably lost PA b/c of it.

Hillary Clinton-There are so many but one "I was under sniper" does come to mind. DUMB

John McCain-"100 year war" HELLO!!!!

DUMB remarks, just admit to it.

Friday, April 25, 2008

On the Huckabee still trying to stay relivant watch....

Still taking jabs at Romney, still a looser, bucktooth kook, not to mention what a train wreck his wife is. Now I sound a hateful as the daily kos.......

I know I know I said I was going to vote for McCain and have supported this guy in the past but if Hackabee, yes I meant to type Hackabee is on his ticket then I will stay home, write in my own candidate or vote for the liberal. Hell, I might vote for Nader that way I wouldn't really be voting for a liberal and hurting them at the same time.

Tuesday, April 22, 2008

Hillary wins!

sheesh, he has only won red states, I am guessing this will be Hill-Bill's argument

Mitt for VP!!!

Whoo hoo, new website aiming to get McCain to pick Mitt Romney for VP..........That would make my year! Not to mention it would energize the conservatives, bring in much needed money, and also give McCain some economic cred....

New Add against Obama

This add is going to either work or will absolutely destroy Hillary. Although technically ii has been released by a 527 group and the candidates can not be held be responsible for for these groups..blah blah blah, but this is really tough. It sure worked for me but I am not someone who the Obama campaign would be courting. Ha! Barack Obama has just been swift boated!

Friday, April 18, 2008

John McCain, the actual little guy in the race?

Okay, how are the liberals going to take this. An actual republican, not only gives more in Charity than the two "steal from the workers and give to the welfare babies loving libs" but he makes wwwwaaaaayyyyy less than they do?????

Does the rich white guy image still work? John and Cindy McCain give 25% to charities, Barack and Michelle Obama give 6% and Hillary and Bill Clinton give 10-15%. Nice...............way to go, guess that mean rich Republican who doesn't care about the poor doesn't really work anymore does it?

Thursday, April 17, 2008

Obama upset about treatment at debate :(

Sheesh, Okay see link then read:

Okay, so he was asked tough questions (finally after very favorable treatment by the media) and he is going to complain!!!! We little people put way too much into what comes out of people's mouth and don't discuss enough of the "issues". Wasn't Barack Obama the one whose "Just Words" speech was one of his biggest hits and one of his biggest rip offs, I might also add but hasn't he also been the one harping on John McCain for his "100 year war" comment? Guess only HRC or John McCain's words should be criticized, leave the MESSIAH alone, how dare you ask why he pals around with anti-american's!

Friday, April 11, 2008

Huckaphony still trying to be important!

Can he go away please!!!!! The voters did not vote for you, no body likes you. You are a snake in the grass. This is one republican that will vote for Barack Obama if McCain is dumb enough to put this looser on his ticket. The nutty white evangelicals who think this guy is the only conservative out there need to put down the kool-aid and regroup. Good Grief!!!!!!!!!!!!
Check out the site promoting his latest attempt to be relevant, HAHAHAHAHAHA!

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Rove Supports Mitt for VP on Hannity today!

I wish. This would make me so much for comfortable with voting for McCain. Maybe I was just drinking the Romney kool-aid but I really liked this guy. He admitted fully past mistakes and asked forgiveness for past liberal views. Of course now he is called a flip-flopper, didn't know it was wrong to change your mind, admit you have had a change in opinion and move on. It isn't like he voted for it before he was against it....Ala John Kerry.

Sign the petition at to promote along with myself Mitt for VP!!!!!!!!!!

Tuesday, April 8, 2008

Bad Bad Day

Watched the game last night, I can't believe they managed to blow a 9 point lead with 2 minutes to go. This is just heart breaking. I need to go back to watching the news at least looking at crime, murder, dirty politicians is better than watching my beloved Tigers loose the NC. The refs were in the tank for Kansas but Memphis can and should have been able to overcome that. I think all business's in Memphis should have been closed today.

Wednesday, April 2, 2008

John McCain is Funny? Who Knew?

I didn't know he had a personality, let alone was funny. Too bad I missed this.....

Although, I already have said I would vote for him. The problem with John McCain is, he is boring and doesn't really inspire me yet. If he keeps up the jokes like this, it could help him to be a little bit more likable and look less like a grumpy old man.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

New biopic on W, will it do well?

Doubt it. See link below:

This is a supposed "biography" done by Oliver Stone, who I am sure will be very fair when portraying the sitting American President. The same president he personally has called the following: worlds biggest terrorist, murderer, moron, idiot, opportunist, spoiled brat, re tarted etc.....

Yes I am sure this film will depict the life with facts rather than rumors or how he feels about this man.

When will Hollywood get the message that these films DO NOT MAKE MONEY....Let's count them shall we?
1. StopLoss
2. Jarhead
3. The Reagans
4. Lions for Lams-this one was a big hit
5. Rendition
6. Constant Gardner-this one was aimed a little more at Briton but still counts
7. Valley of Elah

This list does go a lot longer but I think you get what I am trying to say and there are also TV shows that have failed. Maybe the country doesn't like these movies b/c we don't need Hollywood actors, who if you can find one these days that have ever done anything for their country you probably can't count it on one hand, to tell us how bad a country is where they make millions of dollars for four months work and we are supposed to pay our hard earned money to go see them preach to us????

I read in an article where the highest grossing films were family pics, for example: This Christmas, while not the highest money make in total take in, it did make around 33 million in theaters but didn't cost but 3-5 million to make and distribute. America wants movies that make us feel good and that our family can see or that just makes us laugh. We don't want preaching.


Looks Like Hillary does not have a lock on the VP nod