Monday, March 31, 2008

McCain not able to raise the money like Bush/Cheney

I think McCain needs to name his VP in order to begin raising the money. Let's face it the conservatives still have a problem with him and he needs to name someone as his running mate so the base can begin to rally behind him and start giving the money. Right now people don't want to give him money, what if he goes with a Leiberman, Bloomberg, Christ, Perry. Those potential picks would more than likely cause most conservatives to stay at home and if they aren't going to vote they aren't going to give the money. He needs to do something fast if he wants to get the Bush/Cheney type money.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Romney VP Buzz about to get stronger?

See link attached:,5143,695264911,00.html

I think this would help McCain so much to have Mitt Romney on the ticket. Conservatives have so many issues with McCain I think Mitt would assist with that division. Here are my reasons for Mitt:

1. Economy-he is so good with this plus, as Gov of Mass. he set up a very good health care plan and with him on ticket neither Billary nor Obama would be able to attack McCain on this issue.

2. Money-He can provide money desperately needed to run a successful campaign.

3. He can bring into play states Republicans need to win in 2008-Obviously McCain will take FL (especially now that their delegates won't be seated), McCain will win the south so he doesn't need help there. But Romney will be able to put states like Mass, Utah, Michigan, Colorado and Minnesota up for grabs. This will help McCain in November.

4. This is the best reason-To make Huckaphony GO AWAY FOR GOOD, and it would be a nice slap in the face to the Huckster as the VP spot was the whole reason he was in this race in the first place. (Guess who I voted for in the primary....)

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Hillary just Mis-spoke, it isn't a big deal?

First, how do you mis-speak 3 different times over a long period of time. Second, maybe Obama should do a "Lincoln like" speech on lying. The media would LOVE it, and it would probably shut the Clinton defenders up :)

I hate that Rev. Wright cancelled his speech today. I wanted to hear what context the statements were made in (as the defense has been that the media took the statements out of context). I also want to know the reasoning behind the statements, I think people need this who did not grow up in areas where these issues hit hardest. The defense that he comes from a different time where Black Americans were beaten, murdered, houses vandalized (all of the other horrible things done and there are too many to list) some people do not understand this defense and I want to hear what the Rev. has to say and I think it would help Obama to have him do this.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Hillary Dennounces Rev. Wright....

Oh lord, this is getting ugly. See the link below....This will be everywhere tonight (maybe)....

She sure is doing her part to make sure that this story doesn't go away. Funny using this, meanwhile she "mis-spoke" when describing her arrival in Bosnia under sniper fire.

Where is the "there will be blood" cover story about the in-fighting in the Democratic Party??????

What is wrong with the local media here in Memphis???

Okay, I want to know why our media is not covering the issues with the local government here in Memphis. You are telling me that if this were a different city that not only would we know why King Willy was "maybe" going to resign but we would now what time, where, and who his teacher in Pre-K was????????? Something is going on here and I think that the media is a willing participant in not reporting on this criminal. This city is a national joke and in the shape it is in, it should be. One bright light is the Tigers, what a game!!!! Take us all the way to the national championship and cut down the nets!

Bad News Kilpatrick is still Politically Un-Affiliated per CNN

Guess if there was an (R) after this name we would know which political party he belongs to.........See link below....Wonder if this Mayor is also being smeared by the "vast right wing conspiracy"

Friday, March 21, 2008

Obama Calls Fox News Irresponsible?

HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA, that is rich. He wants to call Fox News irresponsible for covering the Rev. Wright story. Oh jeez, so the constant good media coverage isn't good enough for him that now once a bad story is FINALLY covered they are going to complain.....See the link below:

This guy is so freaking arrogant, it is hard to believe. OOOH maybe he should call Hillary Robb'em Clinton and find out if the is the "vast right wing conspiracy" who is out to get Obama too, or better yet, has the "vast right wing conspiracy" moved from HRC to B. Hussein Obama???????????? I can't stop laughing on this one...Hey Obama: If you want to see smearing on the behalf of news networks why don't you ask a Republican?

As a "Typical White Person" I am very amused

This is so ironic, Did Obama really call his grandmother a "typical white person".....Can you imagine if John McCain were to call someone a "typical black person"....I bet the aid sitting next to Obama during this interview wanted to hang up the phone ASAP.....Check it out. You can't make this stuff up.

Now, I am not in any way offended by this statement, I hear this type of stuff all the time and I am fully aware that the only person you are permitted to make fun of are White, Conservative, Republican, Christians and hell I am willing to take it a step further b/c most will even make fun of Black republicans. Seems that the candidate of change and the great hope to bring us all together doesn't really want to get there on the same side of the road as the "typical white person".......

Good News for MEMPHIS.....King Willy our esteemed Mayor has decided to resign, no word. Rumor has it there are some inditements looming down the line and I read on the Thaddeus Matthews blog it looks like it could come from Little Rock. I could make guesses what the possible issues are but with this guy, who knows and I would not be surprised by anything. Wonder if all of his friends will still be able to keep their city jobs?????????????

Oh yeah, last but definately not least. Go TIGERS!!!! For the 3rd year in a row all of the commentators are picking against the Memphis Tigers and I for one am glad they are every year they pick against them, most times to get out in the 2nd round or at the least the sweet sixteen so again I hope they are wrong this year. I do love how they all say that their reasoning is that Memphis doesn't play anyone but the sports pundits are all willing to give Davidson, USC (out as of last night hahahahaha), Drake, Marquette passes?????Hello, Memphis lost one game this year.......Oh well typical hating on the Tigers and while I do not have them winning the National Championship (although I would throw away my bracket and be giddy if they did), I do have them going to the Final Four and I really hope I am proved right.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Obama's Race Speech

I don't see how he can get out of this but if anyone can it will be Barack Obama. First, even if he says total nonsense, the media will say he did an eloquent job and just give him a pass. However, I think he is extremely arrogant to give a speech about race issues in America when he sits through sermons preaching white hate. Give me a break! Obama is as good as it gets but the argument of "guilt by association" shouldn't play a part isn't going to fly with me. This is why:

1. "for the first time in my adult life, I am proud of my country"-Michell Obama
2. He has meeting with William Ayers, founder of Weathermen Underground, this terrorist group declared war on America.
3. His blame America First mentality
4. Reverend Wright-His anti-American rhetoric, racist, not to mention his dalliances with terrorist

Bottom line, at some point the associates he shouldn't be held responsible for start to add on.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Obama's Preacher

Can you imagine if this was a Republicans minister?????? Mitt Romney was raked over the coals for his religion but Obama's is supposedly off limits? Mike Huckabee gets in hot water for preaching at Jerry Falwell's Church but Obama's pastor is off limits. We aren't talking about an endorsement from a controversial person, we are talking about the person who he considers his spiritual advisor, who is the pastor at the church Obama is a member of, Obama based "Audacity of Hope", his best selling book, on a speech given by Dr. Jeremiah Wright. This is something he should be asked about. As a catholic, I don't agree with everything my church says or does but if I was going to a church that spewed hate speech and offensive comments from the pulpit I might re-think becoming a member. I want to know when the MSM will pick up on the Obama issues instead of constantly praising him, hello.....can you imagine if the Tony Rezko indictment was linked to John McCain??????? Or, if a church he went to donated to a terrorist group or toured terrorist countries with a hate-Israel leader???????? Our media is shameful.......I know that this is not new information but it is something that needs to be looked at.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Mississippi Primary Today!

Wonder how Hillary will do today? Does anyone care? I hope that she does well b/c these two fighting back and forth with each other will be so entertaining. I am interested to see if the Republican turnout is as high as it was in Texas and Ohio, I know quite a few who went to the dark side and voted for Billary today. Wonder if it will be considered voter fraud, maybe I should turn them in.......Just Kidding.

Gov. Eliot Spitzer (D) NY, wonder where Billary's support is for him. Wouldn't it be interesting if she came out against his illegal actions. HA! The Clinton's speaking out against someone for having an affair, that would be rich, should could spin that she is attacking the fact that he broke the law....oh but wait Bill lied under oath and committed purgery, (well so did she) but they got away with it, why can't he? I am guessing there are some people on Wall Street who are grinning like the Cheshire Cat over coffee this morning.

Final word: She won't come out with any statement against Gov. Spitzer as he is a Super Delegate and she can't afford to loose a vote from a Super Delegate!!!!!

Sunday, March 9, 2008

Will the Young Vote win this for Obama?

It seems that the young voters (18-30) have really been showing up for Obama this primary season. My question is, Will they show up to vote again in November? The answer: no. In years past political pundits have put a lot of stock in the young voters and it seems they never deliver, if this demographic were to enough to get you elected then we would be looking at former Presidents McGovern, Dukakis, Heart, Gore and Kerry. As a young voter my self I won't vote for Obama, I do know some who say they are voting for Obama (but like most young voters they aren't even registered to vote and it is highly unlikely they will) The sad fact is that most young people aren't registered to vote and they don't care. More people vote for American idol on Thursday nights than in any presidential election and this is just the world we live in. To make a long story short, unless Ryan Seacrest is on live TV counting the votes via text message the young people probably will not deliver this election for Obama.

Friday, March 7, 2008

'Hillary Clinton's a monster': Obama aide blurts out attack in Scotsman interview

These people are tearing themselves apart, not that I mind this I might add. Obama may want to re-think the strategy of attacking Hillary by calling her names, I don't think it works just ask the Republicans. He needs to go more for Whitewater, Vince Foster, hiding Presidential document, Sandy Berger stealing documents from the presidential library, oh and their tax returns. Billary going after Obama on a crooked real estate deal, this is just too funny to think about, enough said. Also Obama has other things, Louis Farrakhan, his anti-American racially polarizing wife, friendly with the Weatherman Underground members (terrorists). The list goes on and on and on. These two will be at it for weeks, just think it is 7 weeks before the primary in PA. Hopefully Mississippi republicans will go out for Hillary also.

Thursday, March 6, 2008

I guess I am a sellout

I know I have not been a fan of John McCain, and I have been extremely vocal about how I didn't think I would be able to vote for him. My friends, hehehe, today I became a McCain supporter. Billary's reaction to her win Tuesday night was so egotistical, Clintonesque, etc... that I realized we can not afford to go back to the Clinton era. Barack Obama has no substance, terrible on national security, wants to raise taxes, big government, welfare state, the list goes on and on and on and on (basically the same as Billary). In the words on of the great President Ronald Wilson Reagan, a man that I agree with 80% of the time and disagree with 20% of the time is not my enemy, he is my friend. I my case this man is not my enemy but the man I will gladly vote for as my next President of the United States and I hope others will join me. Although, it is a long shot I would still like to be able to vote for my precious Mitt Romney in November, even if it is as VP.

This city is a cess pool

Memphis TN, is going to shit. Crime is outrageous, economy is the pitts and our government is so crooked it makes Washington look like a church convention. Please look at the story below:,2933,335398,00.html

Why were these children with this man who had an extremely "violent pas"? Of course I am sure the govn't will be blamed for not stepping in and taking the children into foster care (which with all the arrest he has had they should have) However, what they should be asking is "where was the mother?" what about family? Of course the idea of people taking responsibility for themselves and not putting their children into this type of lifestyle would be ridiculous for me to even suggest. Let's face it, it is not the job of the govn't to raise your children, you are supposed to be able to not introduce the child to a crime element and if you live in a bad neighborhood, GET OUT, QUIT THE GANG, GET A REAL JOB (I hear McDonalds, Kroger are always hiring), Teach your children right or wrong. It is just sad when all of these people have to loose their lives, especially the children who are so young and innocent. Children do not ask to be born into these types of situation, if you care anything about your child you will make sure that they are not.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Republicans crossing over to vote for Billary accused of voter fraud

I disagree, as a republican (most of the time but a conservative first) I wouldn't mind either Billary or John McCain, they are pretty much the same to me the only difference being the (R) or (D) by their name. If HRC were to be the nominee, I would be okay with her being President, not thrilled but okay however, I feel the same about John McCain. I rationalize republicans crossing over as they feel that HRC would be better for the country and do not want Barack Obama as Commander in Chief. I will more than likely vote for McCain but if either wins, the results for the country will more than likely be the same, I can not say the same if we were to elect Barack Hussein Obama.

After All of this Huckabee is still #3

After all of the, "You can't win if you quit" talk and all of his "I don't believe in math, I believe in miracles" looks like it is at the end of the rode for him. Depending on what news source you choose to count he is anywhere from 20-1 point behind Mitt Romney (who so gracefully bowed out weeks ago and didn't manage to make himself look like a buffoon). Everyone knew he was only staying in the race to secure a VP spot on the ticket or to say that he came in 2nd with Mitt coming in 3rd to give him more clout in 2012. This was not to give the conservatives a voice, as he so charmingly states b/c if he really cared about that he would have bowed out and gave Mitt a chance as he was the only one who could beat John McCain. Well ha! Last laugh is on you, still #3

Romney 2012

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

What Would Alex P. Keaton Do?

Interesting article, of course it is in the NY Times:

First of all, Alex P. Keaton is the reason I became interested in politics. I wanted to grow up and be just like him. I thought like him, acted like him, still act like him. If he still believes in his conservative values the way I do, I find it very hard to imagine he would pull the lever for Barack Hussein Obama. This said, I also do not think he would be out there stumping for John McCain. I think he would do as I will do and hold his nose and vote for the lesser of the evils and pull the lever for John McCain. Alex P. Keaton WAS a true Reagan-Conservative thus his core beliefs would not allow for him to pull the lever for the MOST LIBERAL member of the senate.

Is Obama Breaking under pressure?

Look at the link below, per drudge it looks like Obama is finally having to answer some tuff questions from the media and is not looking so good.

Probably too late to even help Billary but could be the type of stuff that we will see in the general election.

Why does the left has such a problem with republicans voting for Hilliary in TX?

I am confused by how angry the left his that republicans are stating that they will cross over and vote for Hilliary in the primary in TX. Texas is not a closed primary, so each voter is allowed to vote for whomever they choose. I didn't see any of them complaining when the democrats were all crossing over to vote for John McCain??? Where was the outrage and charges of sabotage for this? Such a bias, if I lived in TX I would vote for Hillary also.....just to spite.


Looks Like Hillary does not have a lock on the VP nod