Monday, July 27, 2009

If Fox News is biased, well then so what????

Why do people care so much and what is the big deal???? I have never seen people get so worked up as they do about Fox News or if you are an idiot liberal you will call them Faux News etc....Even if they do skew to the right (as a fox news loyal viewer I will admit they do from time to time)so what? In a capitalist society shouldn't we give the people what they want? Ratings show that fox beats MSNBC and CNN combined so obviously they are doing something right. In the 2008 democratic primary election the esteemed John Edwards boycotted a debate done by fox in protest to the vast right wing conspiracy (now we know the real reason was he was scared he wouldn't be able to keep it in his pants with all the hot fox news babes running around). Can you imagine if John McCain, Mitt Romney, that Huckster guy and Giuliani had announced that they wouldn't debate on MSNBC b/c they were too liberal??? I can see the headline now WIMPS, WHINERS etc etc. Even other Network anchors have FDS (fox derangement Syndrome) Rick Sanchez of CNN twittered "do u know how much money I could make if I sold out like other Hispanics and worked at fox news?" "I would be rich anchoring at fox but one problem would be looking in the mirror"....Oh really, this is coming from the same distinguished gentleman who got wasted, ran over a pedestrian and then fled the scene...........Bottom line, if you don't like Fox change the channel, we still live in a free country (for now....there I go getting all hysterical about Obama, that damn Fox News must be stirring up violence again)

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Looks Like Hillary does not have a lock on the VP nod