Monday, July 27, 2009

If Fox News is biased, well then so what????

Why do people care so much and what is the big deal???? I have never seen people get so worked up as they do about Fox News or if you are an idiot liberal you will call them Faux News etc....Even if they do skew to the right (as a fox news loyal viewer I will admit they do from time to time)so what? In a capitalist society shouldn't we give the people what they want? Ratings show that fox beats MSNBC and CNN combined so obviously they are doing something right. In the 2008 democratic primary election the esteemed John Edwards boycotted a debate done by fox in protest to the vast right wing conspiracy (now we know the real reason was he was scared he wouldn't be able to keep it in his pants with all the hot fox news babes running around). Can you imagine if John McCain, Mitt Romney, that Huckster guy and Giuliani had announced that they wouldn't debate on MSNBC b/c they were too liberal??? I can see the headline now WIMPS, WHINERS etc etc. Even other Network anchors have FDS (fox derangement Syndrome) Rick Sanchez of CNN twittered "do u know how much money I could make if I sold out like other Hispanics and worked at fox news?" "I would be rich anchoring at fox but one problem would be looking in the mirror"....Oh really, this is coming from the same distinguished gentleman who got wasted, ran over a pedestrian and then fled the scene...........Bottom line, if you don't like Fox change the channel, we still live in a free country (for now....there I go getting all hysterical about Obama, that damn Fox News must be stirring up violence again)

Thursday, March 26, 2009

Wednesday, February 25, 2009

Romney/Jindal 2012

I could even go for just Jindal 2012

Tuesday, February 24, 2009

Now abolishing the death penalty is good for the economy

This is the most rediculous thing I have ever heard. I think they should pass a bill that says if we speed up the time we allow for appeals it would also help the economy!

ACORN needs a lesson on constitutional law.....

Per ACORN I have the RIGHT to live in a home I can't afford whoo hoo!!!

Friday, February 20, 2009

Wednesday, January 28, 2009

Suprise, pay for pardon engineer approved for full Senate vote

This is disgusting to me. This man was the engineer in the pardon of the tax cheat Marc Rich (wow the democrats really favor tax cheats don't they, they sure don't have a problem raising our taxes), his wife also gave the Clinton library millions of dollars right before this pardon but Eric Holder didn't know that. That is outrageous! So, if that wasn't bad enough he also pardoned 14 terrorist, yes terrorists! Okay, so now this guy is qualified to prosecute terrorists now? No wonder Obama wanted to close Gitmo with this clown as Attorny General they will just pardon all terrorists and let them go. Hey here is an idea for anyone who gets arrested now that there is a new "sherrif in town" just let them know you are a terrorist who hates America and they will just let you go and tell you they are sorry for any inconvenience.

Wednesday, January 21, 2009

It is now Cool to be an American

So says the New York Slimes and our most patriotic Hollywood Celebs

This is the worst kind of patriotism, why do you ask well it is because I never thought I wasn't proud to be an American regardless who our President is. All of the sudden these celebrities tell us that we should get behind this President since it is a time of war and there is an economic crisis, really! Oh I get now it is okay to be behind the President during War time b/c that President is B. Hussein Obama, thanks for the permission Demi and Ashton oh and also that very wise one Cameron Diaz, I doubt she can even spell B. Hussein Obama but that may just be me.

I and most Americans don't need a President we like to think that it is okay to be patriotic, I am a proud American under Jimmy Carter, Ronald Reagan (especially), George H.W. Bush, Bill Clinton, George W. Bush and will still be proud under Barack Obama. America is free, freedom of speech, freedom of religion (unless you want to say Merry Christmas but that is for a later time) we are the best at everything we do. Presidents do not make us Americans, we make us Americans and we are proud no matter what.

So with this I say, Thank you President George W. Bush. You kept us safe every day since 09/11, you made tough decisions and were always classy and honerable even after the awful things said about you and to you by the people you were protecting and you stayed the better man. I will miss you and I think the American people will miss you too, Good luck and God Bless Mr. President.

Now for Obambi, don't screw it up.

Friday, January 16, 2009

Here are the details of the so-called stimulus package

1. 600 million dollars on new cars for the federal government
2. 1 Billion dollars on the 2010 census
3. 650 million on "more" digital conversion coupons
4. 400 million to NASA for global warming research (last I checked it was 11 degrees here in Memphis)
5. 166 billion to go directly to states who have bankrupted themselves
6. 6 billion to colleges and universities
7. 400 million directed to National Treasures-what is this??? Any takers? I thought it was a Nicholas Cage movie but maybe he needs to be bailed out as well.

This is pathetic!

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Wow, does Mickey Rourke make sense?

I guess the sky is falling????

Tuesday, January 13, 2009

For the first time in my life I am ashamed of Florida State

Say it isn't so!,0,968190.story

Friday, January 9, 2009

See, he does have enough experience to be president!

Not only has he managed a crooked Governor's campaign, he was also letting the drones know where they should eat (you see this is multi-tasking)!!!!! What, no mention of the arugula?


Looks Like Hillary does not have a lock on the VP nod