Thursday, March 13, 2008

Obama's Preacher

Can you imagine if this was a Republicans minister?????? Mitt Romney was raked over the coals for his religion but Obama's is supposedly off limits? Mike Huckabee gets in hot water for preaching at Jerry Falwell's Church but Obama's pastor is off limits. We aren't talking about an endorsement from a controversial person, we are talking about the person who he considers his spiritual advisor, who is the pastor at the church Obama is a member of, Obama based "Audacity of Hope", his best selling book, on a speech given by Dr. Jeremiah Wright. This is something he should be asked about. As a catholic, I don't agree with everything my church says or does but if I was going to a church that spewed hate speech and offensive comments from the pulpit I might re-think becoming a member. I want to know when the MSM will pick up on the Obama issues instead of constantly praising him, hello.....can you imagine if the Tony Rezko indictment was linked to John McCain??????? Or, if a church he went to donated to a terrorist group or toured terrorist countries with a hate-Israel leader???????? Our media is shameful.......I know that this is not new information but it is something that needs to be looked at.

1 comment:

Nick said...

The 'ridin dirty' thing makes me vomit a little.

The guy is a freak. He makes Ron Paul look like a sensible person. That's insulting to Ron Paul, scratch that.

This guy makes Strom Thurman look like a civil rights activist?

I don't know how you delicately remove yourself from this guy if you are Obama. It's not some anonymous donor- this is a person you CHOSE to mold your spiritual beliefs. you can't pick apart what you do and don't agree with him on now.


Looks Like Hillary does not have a lock on the VP nod