This is disgusting to me. This man was the engineer in the pardon of the tax cheat Marc Rich (wow the democrats really favor tax cheats don't they, they sure don't have a problem raising our taxes), his wife also gave the Clinton library millions of dollars right before this pardon but Eric Holder didn't know that. That is outrageous! So, if that wasn't bad enough he also pardoned 14 terrorist, yes terrorists! Okay, so now this guy is qualified to prosecute terrorists now? No wonder Obama wanted to close Gitmo with this clown as Attorny General they will just pardon all terrorists and let them go. Hey here is an idea for anyone who gets arrested now that there is a new "sherrif in town" just let them know you are a terrorist who hates America and they will just let you go and tell you they are sorry for any inconvenience.
Weekend Open Thread
1 day ago