So sad, once again the left is whining. I don't understand why the federal government needs to step in and provide the "Liberal" point of view on talk radio when it is a proven fact that no-one wants to listen. Look talk radio is popular and yes mostly dominated with the conservative point of view b/c that is what sells. People who listen to talk radio do so b/c we unlike most "liberals" have to work and pay taxes....etc....So who is going to listen??? Why shouldn't radio stations get to decide who they carry and brodcast based on ratings, when did it become a bad thing in America to make money? AIR AMERICA FAILED....Move on it isn't like the left doesn't have every other media outlet to their disposal. Conservatives have talk radio and Fox News, that's it. Lets see who the "liberals" get to call their own:
New York Times
I could go one all day....but since I live in Memphis I will also add that awful Wendi person from the Commercial Appeal. She hasn't met an issue that she won't try and make herself a victim out of. And they want to whine b/c of talk radio??????
Weekend Open Thread
1 day ago