Friday, May 30, 2008

Why John McCain will win.....

Didn't they promise this in 2004?

Another Left Wing Theatre Hit!

GET OVER THE 2000 ELECTION. BUSH WON!!!!!! Please America has moved on noone cares and all of the recounts prove he won, he even won by more votes in FL than originally given to him. People are sick of this crap and the numbers do not lie. HMMMM, wonder why FOX News is #1 for the 77TH consecutive month.

Tuesday, May 20, 2008

Finally Justice for Mary Jo Kopechne!

I feel for the Kennedy family, but I wish the same sympathies were for Ms. Kopechne family after she was murdered by this media darling. Guess all of the liberals will be holding candlelight vigils for this "pioneer" and political dynasty member.

Leiberman beats out Huckaphony among conservatives for VP!

Check this article out and take the poll. This guy needs to go away, the more we see and hear him the more we despise our own political party.

I would definitely be upset if McCain went for Lieberman has his VP, I mean would that be as dumb as Obama picking Edwards as his VP. They area both already losers and Edwards is a two time looser. Both of these men who are saying they will "change" Washington, lets pick someone who hasn't lost a general election Presidential ticket as our running mate.

Friday, May 16, 2008

John McCain is loosing this for himself!

Enough Said:

John McCain, those who say is a conservative and he himself says this is so concerned with reaching out to the left that he is leaving the "base" of him party in his dust. He continues to dissapoint.

Thursday, May 15, 2008

When Did John Edwards become important

Sheesh, people are acting like this guy actually is relivant to win the Presidency. Am I wrong or did he run for President in 2004, loose the primary race to John Kerry then ran with John Kerry on his ticket and lost that. Now move forward to 2007, he announces he is going to run again, doesn't win one state and now all of the sudden he is a game changer and could be a possible runnning mate for Obama, have we all seen this play before and I am not sure it worked, just ask President John Kerry :)

Please remember John Edwards didn't have the guts to endorse when it could have actually helped, this guy isn't even a super-delegate. All he wanted was to get on TV b/c lets face it, he isn't important. This endorsement does nothing to get Hillary out of the race but an endorsement by Edwards could have helped him win in PA when it would have ended the race sooner but bottom line he was too big of a wimp to do it. Ann Coulter was right about this guy.

Tuesday, May 13, 2008

John McCain has lost my vote

If this is true I will be voting for Bob Barr, the libertarian candidate in November......I wouldn't cast a vote for Huckaphony if there was a gun to my head. What a joke this guy is, the epitome of big government, open borders, and then screams diabetes is more dangerous than terrorism. I am giving up my seat on the "Straight talk express" some one else is more than welcome to have it.

Wednesday, May 7, 2008

MSNBC is a disgrace......

This "news" orginization who claims to be reporting facts and has no agenda...yada yada yada.......Yet they have Keith Olbermann as the guy reporting on the election, the only thing that I would pay more to see than say if Barack Obama looses in November (by the way I don't beleive that happens) and Olbermann has to announce McCain as the next president would be this looser having to call the 2000 and 2004 for as he calls him "Mr. Bush", I bet he cried it would be priceless.

This guy couldn't be more in the tank for Obama, along with Chris "his speeches send tingles down my legs" Matthews.....Please unbiased, give me a break, just admit you are for Obama and I will leave you alone. I think last night after Hillary only one IN by a small margin and Obama blew her away in NC, Tim Russert was so excited he was about to jump out of his seat.....he was soooooo giddy he looked like the cat that ate the canary.

Thursday, May 1, 2008

You think Obama has problems, check out the GOP in IN!

Talk about issues, wonder why the media hasn't jumped on this story and played offensive comments on a 24 loop. Well, hopefully it is b/c he hasn't endorsed a candidate but it is still a problem for the GOP in Indiana.....we will see how this plays out.,2933,353536,00.html


Looks Like Hillary does not have a lock on the VP nod