Yesterday's press conference where Senator Obama "denounced" Rev. Wright was a little strange for me. First, yes I said he should do this a very long time ago and yes I applaud him for getting this out of the way. My issue now is, why now? Well I know I can't have it both ways people say "well you republicans said he should do this and now that he does you are criticizing, he can't win either way he goes", on that note you may have a point. I know that my personal feeling is simply why now? Rev. Wright did not say anything different than what has been shown by the media in 24 hour loops and supposedly we just took the offensive comments "out of context" so why now is Barack Obama all of the sudden offended by Rev. Wright when he didn't say anything but what we have heard for the last month. If Obama is now offended by these comments did he take them out of context? I guess I just need a supporter to explain to me one simple question and that is, "Why Now?"
My second point is the phrase "Out of context", I am so sick of this being the excuse for those who make dumb comments while running for office. Why can't all 3 of these guys say, "I make these speeches all day and I apologize I just said something dumb"? Look America elected George W. Bush twice, we don't care is someone says something dumb, admits it and moves on. Issue over no big deal............
Brack Obama- Dumb comment "Small Town America clings to their guns and religion b/c they are bitter due to their economic situations" DUMB and he mis-spoke and should have acknowledged this, instead he skirted the issue and probably lost PA b/c of it.
Hillary Clinton-There are so many but one "I was under sniper" does come to mind. DUMB
John McCain-"100 year war" HELLO!!!!
DUMB remarks, just admit to it.
Weekend Open Thread
1 day ago